Self-Guided Modules 

This virtual retreat is catered to your busy schedule with a self-guided experience that you earn access to over time. 

Five Phases

Six Weeks Each

Integrative Pauses

Downloadable Material

App for your Mobile

The Five Phases

The Five Element teachings can be applied to all facets of life.

Each Phase goes deeper into subjects and builds upon themselves. 

Phase One explores how the Five Elements express themselves in nature, our emotions, and relationships to better understand energy and how it looks when it is in balance and out of balance.



Translate the cryptic signals of your body using the Five Elements. Learn how to create seasonal self-care routines with this six-week phase. Your body is always talking!




We each carry unique beliefs, wounds, and social programs that may not be in alignment with our authentic selves. Phase Three helps you to reveal, clear, and heal wounds and beliefs that are holding you back from living in better balance for yourself and this earth. This phase of the journey is powerful and transformative!

Now that we've unraveled your authentic self and you understand energy and how it expresses itself, in Phase Four we take a look at how this energy expresses itself in our global issues. You are finding mastery to navigate this earth and all the issues in this phase of your virtual retreat. 

Phase Five will bring you full circle helping you to understand how to fully integrate these ancient teachings into your life. 




Five Bonuses

  • Curated Spotify Playlists for auditory integration
  • Weekly Messages from Nature
  • Guided Meditations
  • Bonus Lectures for Deeper Exploration
  • E-Books, Handouts, and Reference Materials

Mobile App

You can take the classes anywhere!


This virtual retreat is catered to your busy life with a personal App for your mobile device. Once you sign up you will receive instruction on how to upload the app. 

Start Your 14 Day Free Trial

This isn't about taking on a new belief system or looking outside of yourself for the answers. Everything you need for this virtual retreat experience is found within. New Earth Pioneer is here to help you find your pioneering spirit to create a most authentic life living in harmony with the earth to help during our global crisis. 
